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Moral Truth

In this spirit I have written out the following reflections, blending the practical with the theoretical and personal, as a pendant to my ‘Lessons in Art’ and ‘Life and Nature Studies.’ In the first book I have attempted to give the Alpha of Art; in the second I have given the Omega, as far as I myself know about Art; and in the present I have sought to give something of what lies between. Whether I have been lucid enough to enable the reader to follow me, or sympathetic enough to interest him in my subject, I must leave to his own judgment. I can only say that my views are the reflections of one item appealing to other items in the big sum of humanity, written out honestly as the outcome of his own personal experience of the subject which interests him most deeply, and with the hope that he may find some readers who have had similar thoughts upon Art and Mankind, although they may not have been tempted to write them down. With this hope I leave my book to the consideration and judgment of each reader. „Alle gekheid op een stokje”, zegt Wilders. „Je bent een van de oude negen ridders. Ik vertrouw je blind. Je doet het hartstikke goed. We hebben wel wat vernieuwing, dus je komt niet helemaal op dezelfde plek. Je staat op nummer elf. Dat is een hele mooie plek, dik vet verkiesbaar.”